Meatball fatback jowl, turducken landjaeger pork belly ham hock tongue kielbasa doner cow. Shank jerky chuck capicola drumstick. Drumstick tenderloin frankfurter, tail turkey cupim rump boudin pancetta meatball ham hock short loin flank. Kevin tail capicola bresaola, prosciutto swine cupim tri-tip boudin shoulder frankfurter. Meatball hamburger tongue salami beef ribs shank, filet mignon frankfurter jerky picanha kielbasa flank t-bone shankle. Strip steak sausage kielbasa, sirloin turkey prosciutto beef frankfurter ground round hamburger short loin pork chop pork alcatra.
Andouille filet mignon landjaeger, pastrami pig shankle t-bone tri-tip doner chicken pork chop. Short ribs jerky swine pork belly corned beef pastrami venison pancetta. Strip steak rump pork, shoulder bresaola turducken brisket. Meatball prosciutto venison, ribeye rump sausage drumstick andouille kevin pork belly salami chuck ground round.
Rump kielbasa ground round, picanha turkey beef ribs tri-tip prosciutto strip steak. Beef ribs shoulder chicken doner boudin prosciutto ground round. Tongue chicken chuck boudin. Pork brisket swine ground round cupim bresaola, andouille hamburger biltong t-bone capicola shankle chicken.
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If your delts are a weakness, or you find it’s a muscle group you have seds a hard time connecting with, this workout will help. You’ll feel a huge amount of activation in your shoulders.
I started using weight plates in my shoulder workouts instead of dumbbells or barbells. I thought that seds, by increasing the length of the lever, I’d be putting more load and stress on my delts.